Apache Cassandra vs MongoDB Which NoSQL database is better

September 01, 2021

Apache Cassandra vs MongoDB: Which NoSQL Database is Better?

When it comes to choosing a NoSQL database for your application, Apache Cassandra and MongoDB are two of the most popular options on the market. Both databases have their strengths and weaknesses, and choosing between the two can be a tough decision. But fear not, for the Flare Compare team is here to lend a helping hand. In this post, we'll take a look at the major differences between Cassandra and MongoDB so that you can make an informed decision for your business.


One of the biggest reasons why users choose NoSQL databases over traditional relational databases is scalability. Both Cassandra and MongoDB were designed with scalability in mind, but they take different approaches.

Cassandra uses a peer-to-peer architecture known as a ring. This allows for easy scalability by simply adding or removing nodes to the cluster. When new data is added, Cassandra replicates it across the cluster so that it's available even if one of the nodes fails.

MongoDB, on the other hand, uses a master-slave architecture. This means that there is one primary node responsible for all the writes, and all the other nodes are secondary nodes that replicate the data. This can be problematic if the primary node fails, as it can cause downtime until a new primary node is elected.

Winner: Cassandra

While both databases are highly scalable, Cassandra's ring architecture makes it easier to add and remove nodes, which is a big advantage in terms of scalability.

Data Modeling

Another important aspect to consider when choosing a NoSQL database is data modeling. Data modeling refers to the process of designing the structure of your database, including the relationships between tables and the types of data that will be stored.

Cassandra uses a column-family data model, which is similar to a traditional relational database. Each column family can contain multiple rows, and each row can contain multiple columns. This makes it easy to store structured data.

MongoDB, on the other hand, uses a document data model, which is more flexible than a column-family data model. Each document can contain any type of data, and you can store nested data structures within the documents. This makes it easier to store unstructured data.

Winner: Depends on Use Case

The winner in this category depends on your use case. If you're working with structured data, Cassandra's column-family data model may be the better choice. However, if you're working with unstructured or semi-structured data, MongoDB's document data model may be more suitable.


Performance is an important factor to consider when choosing a NoSQL database. You want a database that can handle a large volume of traffic while maintaining a fast response time.

Cassandra is known for its high write throughput and low latency, which makes it a popular choice for write-heavy applications. In fact, Cassandra is often used in real-time big data applications where high write throughput is critical.

MongoDB, on the other hand, offers high read performance and is highly flexible in terms of the types of queries you can perform. MongoDB also has a native sharding feature, which allows for easy scalability.

Winner: Depends on Use Case

Again, the winner in this category depends on your use case. If you need high write throughput, Cassandra is the clear winner. If you need high read performance and flexibility in terms of queries, MongoDB may be a better choice.


So, which NoSQL database is better: Apache Cassandra or MongoDB? The truth is that there is no clear winner. Both databases are highly scalable, offer different data modeling options, and have their strengths and weaknesses in terms of performance.

When choosing a NoSQL database, it's important to take your specific use case into consideration. But no matter which database you choose, both Cassandra and MongoDB are solid options that can handle large volumes of data and provide reliable performance.


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